In order to make money you need passion too. Don’t get deceived. If you don’t have passion, you’ll give up, limit your growth forever or most of the times never cross 3-figure mark. I’ve been blogging from 2013, back in those days sometimes I chose a niche solely for money.
You know what? I failed miserably. Like this below guy.
I struggled to find a niche that is the perfect balance between passion and profit. In order to find a perfect niche, we need to head over back to the ancient Japanese principle called “ikigai”.
You need to find a niche that satisfies the below conditions.
  1. Choose a niche that you love
  2. Choose a niche you are good and knowledgeable in
  3. Choose a niche that’s profitable
  4. Choose a niche which the world needs
Almost 80% of the niches in blogging industry fall under any of the below umbrellas!
  1. Wealth
  2. Health
  3. Relationships
  4. Lifestyle
  5. Education
  6. Spirituality
  7. Fashion
These niches are so popular because they are tied tightly to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, that is hardwired in the human brain.
Here are some examples of niches under these categories
  1. Wealth > Online > Blogging (This is where I’m, a blogger for bloggers at BloggingX)
  2. Wealth > Personal Finance (This is where Michelle from Making Sense of Cents is positioned)
  3. Health > Dieting > Paleo Diet (That’s where David Sinick found his market)
  4. Health > Workouts > Crossfit
  5. Lifestyle > Hobbies > Kayaking
You need to always find a niche where people have problems. You need to start blogging with a mindset of solving people’s problems. After finding a niche, while validating it you need to ask yourself – “Are there enough people in this niche who are having problems and are ready to spend money on getting their problems solved”.
Angling of niches
Only a few of them do it properly. Angling or niche overlapping is the process of overlapping several interests and passions into one niche.

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